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Meet A Local | Josh Henderson

wedding Today we are hanging out with Josh Henderson - mastermind behind Seattle's Skillet Street Food + their insanely addictive Bacon Spread (featured in our December basket).

What Inspired You To Start Your Company?
Desperation and fear.. Kidding, however there was a large part of that after I started it. But I felt like there was an opportunity to open something that wasn't really being represented in the market, and I also was tired of working for people.


Tell us about your products.
We started as a burger and french fries stand out of an airstream trailer, but now we have evolved into that as well as well crafted americana style food.


What Does “Artisan” Mean To You?
Artisan to me is a marketing term, artisan is really just the way it should be done. Artisan's meaning is losing it's luster as it used to evoke handcrafted and high quality, but you are seeing it on items that in no way deserve to use the word.


What is your favorite artisanal treat?
Cheeseburgers at home.
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