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Farmer's Market Finds | West Indian Gherkin


Our latest Farmer's Market trip introduced us to some new and exciting mid-summer produce to experiment with.  We were particularly intrigued by these West Indian Gherkins (Cucumis anguria) also known as the Gooseberry Gourd or Maroon Cucumber.  Originally brought to the New World from Africa via the slave trade, this vine grown product was grown heavily in New England during the 17th + 18th century and has recently re-emerged on the culinary scene in a big way.

Delicious in both both raw and pickled (charcuterie platter anyone?) form, try pairing them with pork, add them to your favorite potato salad or or simply slice + add to a jug of water for a perfect summer refreshment. For a beverage with a bit more of a kick, we're loving this Rose Sangria with White Peaches and Cucumbers from Food52, substituting the cucumbers with the Gherkins. Recipe below:

Makes 6 drinks

  • 1 bottle rosé
  • 1/2 Lemon, thinly sliced
  • 8-10 West Indian Gherkins, thinly sliced
  • White Peaches, sliced
  • Tablespoons Mint Simple Syrup
  • 0.25 Liters Club Soda (or, a splash per glass)
  1. Pour the wine, fruit and simple syrup into a pitcher. Let sit for 1 hour to let the flavors meld.
  2. Pour into in wine glasses, juice glasses, rocks glasses, pool-side appropriate plastic glasses...whatever you like. Top off each glass with a splash of soda water.

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